Although Jungle Promotions will accept artwork in any
form or format, electronic art is the best method to ensure speedy and accurate
Camera Ready
Clean, crisp black and white art to size. Faxes are not
considered camera ready art. If no size and/or imprint area is specified, we
will determine the appropriate size and placement based on your artwork and
decoration method.
Jungle Promotions uses the latest technology. We have the
latest software versions of Adobe Illustrator (.eps) and Adobe Photoshop (.psd).
For all other software, save files as an encapsulated postscript (.eps) file.
Such files are generally acceptable, as long as the file has been exported as an
.eps file and not merely renamed as such. Departure from our standards may
result in delays to production schedules.
- Convert all type to curves, paths or outlines (vector
art). If this is not possible, send in Macintosh version screen and printer
fonts used for the job to be printed.
- For multi-color orders, use Pantone spot colors and
indicate exact PMS color numbers.
- When supplying a disk, please provide a hard copy or
faxed copy output for proofing purposes. On multi-color orders, please indicate
color breaks.
- 300 DPI is the lowest resolution for a bitmap format and
art should be sent to the requested imprint size.
Disk/CD/100MB Zip/Mac and PC. Email art to
Please include a color print of all electronic art.
We can accept compressed files, if necessary, with
Microsoft Office programs (i.e. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power
Point, etc.) are not graphics programs and are not acceptable file formats.
Jungle Promotions can recreate or alter most formats to meet printing
requirements, but a delay in the production schedule may occur.
Questions? Call